Too Much Beloved

There is something about You, God, that is full of incomprehension. You are so magnificently just and yet so boundlessly merciful. You are perfect yet touched with the feeling of our infirmities. You are high, holy, sanctified apart from this world, and yet, You take up residence inside Your children. You are the Diviner and Creator of all things, yet You are so forsaken by the works of Your hand. The entirety of the universe revolves around Your finger—You are so high and lofty above it, yet Your own forget Your all-consuming presence. 

You are a searing fire and a gentle wind. 

You are hidden in the folds of a lightning shrouded mountain top and the breath of a singular whisper. 

You are a Triune God—three Aspects and three Persons all equal, all One, still all distinct. 

You are above me, inside me, and all about me. You work around me, through me, and in me. There is not a space on this earth that You do not fill, and there is not a time in all infinity where You are not present—present and in control. 

You have the purest and loveliest heart, but divine eyes that see all the darkness of Your fallen world. You see a scope so wide and so deep that You continuously draw out of Your infinite nature to provide healing for the depravity of man. Before the first man breathed Your life into his lungs, You knew how far You would go for his redemption. Before You created the world, You knew how far it would fall. And yet, You know in pure divinity--so high above my understanding that I cannot attain it--that the suffering man would create would be worth man’s presence in the universe. 

How high are God’s thoughts of depraved man! 

How fathomless are the realms between them! 

How far Christ came to save such as deserve no salvation! 

Man has no value outside of the Almighty God. I will not seek it elsewhere, for elsewhere it cannot be found. I wonder at the gaping, gasping depravation in my own soul and wonder more at the nature of a God who could love that soul still. I cannot speak more of God’s love—divine, agape, unending, unprecedented, unreciprocated, unbreakable, and purely indescribable love. 
It is too much for me, the beloved. 


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